Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Making Applesauce!

First of all, I want to reach out and say thank you to everyone that came Open House last night! It was wonderful meeting new families and seeing returning families too! I am very lucky to have such an amazing group of parents. :) I look forward to our individual time to chat at conferences too. If anyone did not get the chance to sign up, please let me know and I will be happy to schedule you in. More info to come as the dates for those get closer.

We had a blast making our applesauce yesterday with our apples from the orchard. First thing in the morning, we read the recipe and a few helpers came up to put the ingredients into our crockpot. Everyone got a chance to stir and mash the applesauce throughout the day. It smelled delicious! Here are some pictures:

We did some interactive writing about how to make homemade applesauce:

During snack, the room was a buzz as everyone talked about what they made with their orchard apples at home. One student even brought in his homemade candy apple to show us!

When 1:30 came, we just couldn't wait a minute longer. As Mrs. P was spooning the applesauce into cups for our taste test, we read about the life cycle of an apple and did this sequencing activity. 

Then, it was finally the moment we were all waiting for- the taste test! Everyone was given two cups filled with jarred applesauce and homemade applesauce. 

We did a class tally chart to see which was the fan favorite. The votes are in and....

our class-made applesauce was the winner!! :)

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