Saturday, September 7, 2013

Different look, same blog!

Hello families!

As you can see, our first grade blog got a little facelift! I am loving the new look and hope you do too!

What a busy week we've had. Your little learner has probably come home tired all week, and rightfully so! It will take a few weeks for them to build their stamina and get adjusted to being in school all day. Don't be alarmed if your first grader is coming home saying we "did nothing". The first few weeks are all about routine, routine, routine. It is important we establish the expectations in the classroom now so that everyone can work independently on tasks as we move into the year.

Speaking of routines and expectations, we've been talking a LOT about how to be a good listener, and practicing this at all times throughout the day on the rug. It is important that everyone is focused and listening during mini lessons when I'm talking/teaching, and also when classmates are sharing a writing piece or a math strategy with others too.

We've done a bunch of "getting to know you" activities, like this one where we compared and discussed the number of letters in our names.

We also started on Thursday discussing our identities as readers and shared some of our favorite places to read.

 I'm looking forward to next week when we will start to get into the basics of our workshop routines. More information to come about what this entails as we dive into it! Happy Saturday and enjoy this beautiful weather!

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