Monday, September 16, 2013

Field Trip and Volunteers

Today the first grade teachers and I sent home permission slips for our apple orchard trip this Friday! Please sign and return the slip as soon as possible. We will leave school at 9:15 and return around noon. Because we will miss lunch in the cafeteria, please make sure your child packs a lunch for that day. If it is nice out, we might eat on front lawn of the school. If not, we will be eating in the classroom. Please do not pack any peanut or nut products that day just in case we eat in the room. Unfortunately, I am severely allergic. :( Thank you for understanding!

I am still compiling the class contact list. I got a few more forms back today. I will wait until Wednesday to get forms from everyone who wishes to be included.

I am also finalizing my volunteer schedule. Those of you that expressed an interest to volunteer should be hearing from me sometime during the next few days. :) 

Thank you! 

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