Sunday, September 22, 2013

Book Bags

"Read to Self" is a time that happens daily and is just like it sounds- a time when students are reading by themselves! After I teach a mini lesson/skill at the beginning of Reader's Workshop, the students have an an opportunity to go off and practice their reading with their book bags. 

Right now, I have been putting "just right" books in each child's book bag based on the information I received from the kindergarten teachers and my own assessments I have done thus far. These books are close to the level I believe your child is reading at. It is important that each child practices books that are not too easy or too hard. When all of my assessments are complete, I will know exactly what books are "just right". Students will then have the opportunity to start "book shopping" weekly on their own from certain bins that contain books at their level. 

They will also have the opportunity to pick some interest books from our classroom library too!

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