Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sight Word Packets..and My Favorite View of All

Hi All,

Happy Tuesday! Just a quick update about the sight word packets. I would like students to keep these in their GO books until Friday. I know some students will want to complete the packet before then (it's wonderful to see such motivation!!) but it is easier for me to collect them all on one day. The log sheet, with each day initialed, will need to be passed in on Friday as well. Even if your child finishes the packet earlier in the week, please remind them to practice with their cards each night.

Also, a note came home today regarding a class list. If you are interested, please be sure to fill out the bottom of the form and return it to me by Friday.

And now, I leave you with a little peek of my favorite view of all. We may be able to see the ocean from our windows, but nothing beats the view from my chair of these sweet smiles every day. I tell you, I definitely have the best seat in the house. :)

Have a great night!

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