Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Book Fair

Just a reminder that tonight is Family Night at the book fair from 6pm-8pm.

Our class will be visiting the book fair tomorrow afternoon. If you would like to send your child in with money to purchase books, please put the money or check in a sealed envelope with your child's name printed neatly on the front.

The book fair can be overwhelming for first graders because there is so much to look at and we only have a certain amount of time allotted. It would be helpful to look through the flyer tonight with your child and discuss which books they would like to purchase. Jotting down the titles on the envelope or even cutting out the pictures of the books/pasting them to the envelope would be VERY helpful. This way, I can help them get the books they want quickly. It also ensures your child is choosing books that you have approved and don't already have.

Any questions, feel free to email me tonight:

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