Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Officially Up and Running!

Hi everyone!

I am happy to annouce that our classroom blog is finally up and running! My poor computer was under the weather, but I think (fingers crossed) I am in the clear now- thank goodness!

The purpose of this website is to give families an inside look at we are up to on a weekly basis. I want you to see how hard your little one is working each day, while having fun at the same time! Chances are you only hear about some of what we do, so this is my way of letting you be a fly on the wall to see what else is going on. My goal is to post pictures and updates each week, along with important information and reminders about upcoming events. Please check in frequently to keep up to date.

If you have not signed the permission slip, and would like to see your child's pictures included on our website, please fill out the extra slip I attached to the note that came home today. I will not attach names to any of the pictures I post.

I am loving getting to know each and every student in our class this year. This group sure does keep me laughing and smiling all day long. :)

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