Thursday, June 5, 2014

Field Day is Tomorrow!

Hi everyone!

Just a few reminders about tomorrow:

- Red field day shirts are being sent home today. Please make sure your child wears his/her shirt to school tomorrow. Mr. Spencer will not allow phone calls home if anyone forgets.

- Please make sure your child applies sunscreen and bug spray prior to coming to school. We are getting started right away in the morning and will not have time to do this beforehand.

- Everyone needs to bring a bagged lunch. Regular lunch will not be served. I would recommend packing an extra drink or two since we will be outside most of the day. Carefully review the note home from Nurse Susan. Because we have peanut and strawberry allergies, all lunches cannot include these items. Students who bring lunches containing these items will have to sit in a different area separate from kids in our the class for safety reasons. 

- Because of all the rain today, the field is muddy and probably will still be in the morning. All students should come to school wearing sneakers. We will be doing lots of events that involve running on the field.

Thanks so much! I hope I haven't forgot anything. Tomorrow will be such a fun day. I will snap lots of pictures to share with you. :)

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