Monday, June 16, 2014

Tomorrow's Field Trip

A few things to keep in mind for tomorrow:

  • We will be walking to and from Pilgrim Hall. Please have your child wear sneakers, sunscreen and appropriate clothing. I also suggested students bring a hat. 
  • Some students asked about bringing a water bottle. I am leaving this up to you! In the past, I have found that most are totally fine without them. I explained that if someone decides to bring one, it will be their responsibility to carry it and hold onto it while at the museum, as well as walking back and forth. We also cannot stop for bathroom breaks while walking. You know your child best so I am leaving this decision up to families.
  • We will be leaving right at 9:15 and will be back in time for lunch. Students can still pack a snack- we will have our snack time in the afternoon instead. 
  • I will make sure to snap lots of pictures. Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow night to see how our trip was. :)

IMPORTANT- Change in Field Trip Time

There has been a change in our field trip time. We are now leaving at 9:15 tomorrow morning and will return back to school around 11:30. I'm so sorry for the last minute inconvenience- the situation was out of my control.

For those parents that were planning to come with us, please email me tonight to let me know if you will still be able to attend.

I will be sending home a notice today too. Please be on the lookout for it. Also, we will need to leave right at 9:15 so please make sure your child is on time. We will eat lunch when we get back. Students that need to buy will be able to as well.

Thanks so much and I'm sorry again!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thank You

Thank you to everyone today for coming and spending the morning with us! I know it meant a lot to the kids to have each of you there. I was so proud of them and I'm sure you were too!!

Thanks to the parents that donated snacks and goodies too. :)

Have a great night!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Some Updates!

Hi everyone!

Just a friendly reminder that our writing celebration will start tomorrow at 9:45. Please try to be at the school by 9:40. I will give everyone a few minutes to come in, get settled, and pour a cup of coffee! :) The kids are so excited to have you all in- they will do great!

I will also be sending home a permission slip tomorrow for our last field trip. We will be walking to Pilgrim Hall next Tuesday afternoon. Because it is our last one for the year, I am inviting any parents that would like to come along to chaperone (as long as your have a CORI all set in the office). If you would like to join us, please mark and return the form by Friday just so I can have a general idea of how many people will be coming. 

I think that's it! I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow. Here's a few pictures of this morning when the Plymouth Pilgrim players came to visit and read to us. I hope some of you will get the chance to use your free ticket!