Monday, April 8, 2013


Today we started our new integrated science unit on plants! The week after vacation, we will be doing a lot of activities centered around Earth Day- so what better way to segway in than learning all about what plants and trees need!

As part of today's morning work, we took some time to reflect on what we already know about plants. We jotted our ideas down on post-its and started this thinking chart:

This led to a discuss about questions we have and things we want to learn more about. To jumpstart our new learning, I read From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons, a favorite nonfiction author in our classroom!

After our reading and discussion, it was time to put 21 little green thumbs to work! We each created paper greenhouse to grow lima beans in. Check it out!

The students will track the progress of their bean plants in a growth journal. Each day they will draw and write about how their little plants are growing and changing each day. I can't wait to watch them grow! :)

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