Saturday, April 27, 2013

Earth Week

In honor of Earth Day, we took this week to finish up our unit on plants and learn about ways we can keep the earth clean and healthy. After reading books about the 3Rs- recycling, reducing, and reusing- we created an anchor chart together about how we can care for our planet. We also made earth books that we hung around the classroom to remind us how important is to take good care of our one and only home!

On Friday, we got together with our Big Friends and did an activity together centered around ways we can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials. We also took some time to present our at-home recycling projects to the class. 

Check out how each of us reused or recycled something to make something new!

Flower Vase

Dog Food Scoop

Boat (that really floats!)

Pencil Holder

 Bottle Rocket

Flower Vase



Play Castle

Flower/Pencil Holder

Bowling Game

Dollhouse (with a crayon box fireplace that lit up!)

Birdfeeder (with some excellent writing attached!)


Flower Vase

Replica of a Beach House

Marshmallow Flinger

Flower Holder
Play House

Bear Container

Be sure to check out the notice that went home Friday regarding Screen-Free day next week. I'd love to see everyone join in and participate along with me! :)

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