Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Literacy Update

Hi everyone!

I wanted to update you on what we have been working on during our literacy block. In writer's workshop, we started our new opinion writing and persuasive letter writing unit. We talked about how our opinions matter and we have been working hard to get these ideas down during our writing time.

Today we did some talking about persuasion and how we can try to convince others to agree with our opinions. We read the funny story I Wanna Iguana and talked about how the little boy in the story states reasons to persuade his mom to let him get an iguana. Then, we brainstormed topics we might want to persuade someone about. We are going to continue reading more mentor texts to learn how we can persuade or convince someone and start writing some persuasion letters of our own!

In reader's workshop, we also started a new unit involving reading across genres. We will continue to work in book clubs, but this time, we are reading many types of books about one topic! Book club baskets are filled with fiction, realistic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc. that all relate to one topic.Everyone will get the chance to dive into all kinds of books about a topic. Yesterday, we chose topics of interest and determined our new book club groups. Today we did a lot of talk centered around how to determine what type of genre a book is. 

More to come on that as we get deeper into our unit! Just a reminder to send back spring pictures that you would like to return. I also sent home a new book order that will be due next Wednesday, April 10th. 

Have a good night!

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