Sunday, September 14, 2014

What We've Been Up To...

Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed your beautiful fall weekend. I just wanted to remind everyone that our Back to School night is this Thursday for parents from 7-9 p.m. I will be going over lots of important information and hope that you will be able to make it!

Here is what we have been up to...

Writer's Workshop: The students have been exploring writing by trying out different ways to write and draw about stories they want to tell. We have been doing a lot of work around making topic lists of stories we want to tell. We have been generating ideas for stories and sharing them with a turn and talk partner. The next few weeks will give students the opportunity to explore writing before we dive into more directed lessons and writing objectives when we start our journaling unit in October.

Reader's Workshop: We are continuing to establish our routines for Reader's Workshop. The students have been working hard to read independently and build their reading stamina. We are learning the three ways to read a book (read the pictures, read the words, retell the story in your head) and have discussed how it is important to stay strong even when we feel tired or don't think we can focus anymore. These lessons are critical to set the expectations of reading time for the rest of the year. I am so impressed to see how well everyone is doing with this!

Math: We have been solving a variety of problems using different manipulatives. I have been using the Promethean board to discuss problem solving strategies with the students. We are working to build our "math talk" with each other. We will continue working on this into the beginning of this week.

Word Study: The students have been working on different color word activities and learning to identify, spell, and read the color words of the day. We also did some work with rhyming words and simple word families.

Second Step: Our social lessons are centered around using good manners and school and being respective to others.

Don't forget our color unit is continuing into this week. Tomorrow is pink/purple day!

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