Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Shaping Up in Math Workshop

Last week, we started a new unit if study in math workshop- geometry! In our mini lessons, we have discussed all different shapes and their attributes. We have compared and contrasted shapes and have learned many games with pattern blocks.

 A new favorite activity for Hands-on time is a game called Make My Design. One partner makes a design with pattern blocks and then has to explain their design to a partner carefully so they can recreate it without peeking. This requires a lot of math talk! I am so impressed to hear all the vocabulary the kids are using when they play.

Today we talked about polygons. We learned that polygons are closed, two dimensional figures with sides and corners. We also discussed why a circle or oval could not be a polygon. Each student created their own polygon using straws and twist ties. 

More to come as we continue in our unit! 

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