Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chicks, Eggs, and Oviparous Animals

Learning about oviparous animals is always a favorite unit! The kids really enjoy discovering all the different animals that are oviparous. An oviparous animal is one that lays eggs. To start, I had everyone make predictions about various animals and whether or not they lay eggs. 

We read some nonfiction books to learn more about what kinds of animals are oviparous. This helped us determine if our predictions we're correct!

Ask your first grader to tell you what are the only two mammals that lay eggs. :)

As we were reading and talking about what we read, everyone worked to generate their own lists of oviparous animals. The students used the lists they created to make oviparous animals books. We wrote about and illustrated pictures of different animals that lay eggs.

As a fun activity to end our week, we each dyed an egg. We completed an interactive writing piece about how to dye an egg and the students used their class work to each write their own how-to book. It was an eggcellent week! :)

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