Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Valentine's Day Update

Hi everyone!

I wanted to give a quick update about Valentine's Day this year. We will celebrate it on Friday February 14th, the day before vacation. Just a few things to keep in mind:
  • The students are allowed to bring in valentines to pass out to our class only. Due to the school's food policies, please try to send in valentines that do not have candy attached. We also have several allergies this year too. Valentines with stickers, pencils, or erasers attached are a great alternative to candy!
  • I will send home a class list at the end of the week with a list of names. Passing out valentines is optional, however I do ask that if your child chooses to bring in valentines, please make sure he/she brings one in for each person in the class.
  • Please send your child's valentines in already labeled with names. All valentines should come to school in a sealed Ziploc bag. We will be making decorated valentine bags for everyone to bring their valentines home in. 
I would also like to run some craft workshops from 9:15-10:15 that Friday morning. If anyone is interested in coming up with a simple Valentine's Day craft and running a station, please email me and let me know!

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