Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

It was great to see everyone today! I enjoyed hearing all about vacations, sledding trips, and holiday events. :)

Just a few quick updates:

- You will notice that reading logs did not come home today. These will start up again on January 10th. Your child's reading folder and books will come home Friday. We skipped the week of 12/13 because it was right before vacation. You can just cross this off on the recording sheet! Please remember to read nightly, whether it be the books I send home or books of choice. I encouraged many parents at conferences to start reading a chapter book to their first grader. This is a great way to model fluent reading and have thoughtful discussions about books with your child.

- I am going to send home pencil boxes over the weekend to be cleaned out and reorganized. Chances are, your child may need new crayons, glue sticks, small erasers, pencils- or just some rearranging of what's already in there. Many of the boxes are starting to bulge! ;) I have supplies in the classroom for everyone to share, but it helps if your child has some of their own to use as well.

- I sent out the volunteer schedule for the new year over the weekend. If you volunteer in the classroom, please be sure to check it out.

- Last, but not least, I just want to say thank you again for all the wonderful cards, gifts, thoughts and emails over the holidays. I appreciate it so much!

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