Thursday, June 6, 2013

Field Trip

Hi families,

Since the rain is looking like it just doesn't want to cooperate with us, we are going to reschedule our field trip for tomorrow. I spoke to the director of Pilgrim Hall today and we made a plan to go Thursday June 13th- the afternoon after our writing celebration! The times/details will stay the same- we will leave at 12:15 (after recess/lunch) to walk there and return to school around 2:45.

For parents that were going to come with us tomorrow, please email me and let me know either way if you can come Thursday afternoon. I know some of you are already taking off time to come to school that morning for our celebration, so I completely understand if you are unable to commit to the afternoon. Also, if there are any parents that couldn't come tomorrow, but are able to come Thursday afternoon, you are more than welcome to join us! Please just be sure we have an up-to-date CORI form on file in the office. You can email me or send in a note to let me know you would like to come. :)

Have a good night everyone!

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