Monday, January 21, 2013

Reader's and Writer's Workshop

In reader's workshop last week, we started our new nonfiction unit. We began by discussing that reading nonfiction books is important because it helps us understand and learn about our world and the things in it. We looked carefully at a few nonfiction books and noticed what was the same about them. This brought on conversations about nonfiction text features and we discussed how these features can guide us as we read to deepen our understanding of different topics.

Nonfiction Features Anchor Chart

Nonfiction reading is fun and engaging for first grade students because they can explore and learn more about animals they like, places they want to visit and topics that they find interesting. Here's a few of my readers enjoying their nonfiction books:

In writer's workshop this week, we began our new nonfiction writing unit. The unit begins with writing How-To books. The students spent last week brainstorming things they know how to do well and making a list of things they could teach someone else how to do. Making Easy Mac, catching a butterfly, and doing a somersault were among a few! The students planned out each step carefully and then worked with a partner to check their steps. One partner read their steps while the other partner pretended to act each one of them out. The students had so much fun with this!

We then studied several How-To books and discussed how we can transfer the steps on our planning pages onto each page of our How-To books. I am so impressed by how well the students are doing. Plus, I am learning how to do so many new things! Check it out!

How to Jump Off a Swing

How to Make Cookies
How to Make (fake) Snow with Ice and a Blender

How to Catch a Butterfly

How to Make Toast

Stay tuned this week as we continue to work on our books. More pictures to come!

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