Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Math Update

We recently began our new unit on measurement. It is important for students to understand why we use the standard 12 inch foot to measure distance. For this, we put our own feet to the test! First, we worked in pairs to trace each other's feet on paper. The students used their cut-out feet to measure objects around the classroom.

The students noticed that many of us got different answers when we measured the same objects. This demonstrated to the students how important it is to use the standard foot when measuring so that we all get the same answer! Here's us cutting out the standard 12 inch foot and remeasuring objects. This time, our answers were more consistent.

The students have been working with rulers over the past few days to measure objects and line segments. We also learned how to draw line segments. Today, we explored using tape measures. This brought some giggles as we measured each other's wrists, arms, hand span and ankles. What a fun afternoon we had!

Monday, January 28, 2013

We're Going Nuts About Nonfiction!

We have been busy in Room 29 diving into our nonfiction books. Here's a peek at the anchor charts we created last week. Each day, we review our charts and add a new skill or strategy based on what I model or teach to the students on that given day. Then, each reader goes off to practice the skill using books from their book bags.

As seen in the chart to the right, we have been spending time talking about how post-its can be a useful tool when reading. The students are working on using post-it to jot down questions, thoughts, or reactions they have. It's amazing to see what great thinking they are doing as they read!

I will post tomorrow with an update regarding what we've been working on in math. Have a great night!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Reader's and Writer's Workshop

In reader's workshop last week, we started our new nonfiction unit. We began by discussing that reading nonfiction books is important because it helps us understand and learn about our world and the things in it. We looked carefully at a few nonfiction books and noticed what was the same about them. This brought on conversations about nonfiction text features and we discussed how these features can guide us as we read to deepen our understanding of different topics.

Nonfiction Features Anchor Chart

Nonfiction reading is fun and engaging for first grade students because they can explore and learn more about animals they like, places they want to visit and topics that they find interesting. Here's a few of my readers enjoying their nonfiction books:

In writer's workshop this week, we began our new nonfiction writing unit. The unit begins with writing How-To books. The students spent last week brainstorming things they know how to do well and making a list of things they could teach someone else how to do. Making Easy Mac, catching a butterfly, and doing a somersault were among a few! The students planned out each step carefully and then worked with a partner to check their steps. One partner read their steps while the other partner pretended to act each one of them out. The students had so much fun with this!

We then studied several How-To books and discussed how we can transfer the steps on our planning pages onto each page of our How-To books. I am so impressed by how well the students are doing. Plus, I am learning how to do so many new things! Check it out!

How to Jump Off a Swing

How to Make Cookies
How to Make (fake) Snow with Ice and a Blender

How to Catch a Butterfly

How to Make Toast

Stay tuned this week as we continue to work on our books. More pictures to come!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Hi all,

Unfortunately, I have caught wind of the stomach bug that is traveling around. I left first thing this morning because I did not want anyone else to catch it. I was so happy to hear the students were cooperative and flexible for the substitute today. I will compliment them when I return!

I was unable to get the gumball quizzes back to the students today but will hand them back when I return. Congratulations to Anthony, Jeniffer, Fariz, Aidan, Brian and Eliza for earning a gumball! Since I was not there to distribute new flash cards, we will not have a gumball quiz this week. For students who will be working with their current flashcards again next week, I would encourage them to take the extra time to practice tonight and tomorrow night! There are no nightly readers or sight word packs so please have your child review the words we have already covered and read books of choice from home.

I did ask for the math homework to be sent home tonight. If it was difficult for your child, please write me a little note and I will be sure to go over it with them. We will review telling time to the half hour again in our upcoming math lessons too.