Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Report Cards

Hi Parents!

Just a few things about the report cards:

  • Your child's report card will be coming home on Friday. Please review the report card, sign the envelope and send it back empty. The actual report card is yours to keep.
  • It is important to note that some standards and the skills they entail increase in difficulty throughout the year. If you notice your child went from an M to a P in one area, don't be alarmed! All this indicates is that your child is now progressing towards new goals since the expectations have increased. I try to provide some explanation in the comment section if you see this happen.
  • Finally, you will notice on the report card envelope the option to check yes or no for a conference. This can lead to confusion about if conferences are mandatory like December, or if some kind of sign-up schedule went unseen. Don't worry! You do not need to set up a conference or check the box unless there is a concern you would like to discuss with me in person. Otherwise, you can always reach me through phone or email. :)

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