Monday, December 9, 2013

Holidays Around the World

Today we started our Holidays Around the World unit! For the next two weeks, we will "visit" a different country each day and learn about how that culture celebrates the holiday season. The kids have paper suitcases and will fill out scrap books to keep track of all they learn along the way!

Today we started with Mexico. I read the book Legend of the Poinsettia. We talked about how children break open piƱatas full of candy and decorate with poinsettias. On our scrap book page, we colored Mexico on a world map, decorated the country flag and wrote what we learned. Finally, we made paper poinsettias and wrote about how they are known as the flower of the holy night. Here's some pictures!

Tomorrow we will visit Germany! If anyone has family from a different country and would like to share traditions/pictures or items with us- please email me! :)

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