Monday, March 11, 2013

More Snow??

Hi everyone!

How snows it? Can you believe we had ANOTHER snow day?! I think it is officially time to take the "Let It Snow" sign off my classroom door! I am ready for warm, spring weather- who's with me?

So let's talk about what our busy class has been up to! At the end of last week, each nonfiction book club started a mini project to display all the information they had collected about their topics. The groups worked to develop a poster to highlight new learning, reactions to their reading and key information the group collected during meetings. By using their organizers and response journals, the book clubs were able to create some great posters. Today we finished up and completed our posters. I can't wait to hang them up for everyone to read! Here's a few pictures from last week and today:

Last Week- Getting Started on our Posters:

Today- Almost Done!!:

Tomorrow we will start our new book clubs. The students will get to meet with new group members and learn about another topic of interest.

Just a reminder that our class is visiting the book fair tomorrow. Please remember to send your child in with money if he/she is interested in purchasing books. Click here for more information from an earlier entry I posted during October's book fair. We will follow the same process for this book fair. Thanks!!

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