Friday, November 2, 2012

Hat Day and Election Learning

Today was crazy hat day! Check out these great hats:

In social studies this week, we have been learning all about the election. Today we studied the two candidates running for President: Barack Obama and Mitt Romney (or as many of the students were calling him, Mint Romney!). We read information about each candidate and created these bubble charts together:

The students took some time to write their favorite facts about each candidate on their own bubble maps.

After we learned about the two candidates, we discussed how a venn diagram can be used to compare characteristics of two people or things. Using a large venn diagram, we played a little game. I read facts to the students and they told me where each fact belonged. They were so into this and really impressed me with how much they had already learned!

Finally , I let the students work with partners on their own venn diagrams. The students used their bubble maps to fill in their graphic organizers.

Here's just a few more pictures of us working on election activities during our literacy center time. At Work on Writing, some students were writing about what it would be like to be President for the day. At Work Work, the students were using the letters in "Election Day" to build 2, 3, 4, and 5 letter words.

Have a great weekend!

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