Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Our First Day!

We had a great first day of school today! I am sure your little one came home very tired. It was a long day for everyone, not to mention a very hot and humid one. Your child may come home saying they are exhausted, bored, or don't want to come back to school. This is very typical in the first few weeks so please don't worry at all! As students get used to the daily routine and build their stamina for going to school all day, it will get better!

Today, we started our morning with our first morning meeting where we got to know each others names. We went over our classroom rules and talked about why rules are important (to keep us safe and happy). We also read one of my favorite Kevin Henkes books, Wemberly Worried, and charted our feelings about coming to school today. We took a tour of the building and discussed hallway manners. 

After lunch and recess, we read a book about the night before first grade and shared things we did to get ready for school. Then, we went to our first Health class. We ended the day by doing our first calendar math lesson and charting how we got to school today. 

We do have our snack in the afternoon so please be sure to pack a separate snack or remind students to leave something from their lunch to eat later. The kids did a great job with this today but it may help to pack something separately. It is also going to be very warm this week so you may want to send your little one with a water bottle. I will let the kids have several water breaks throughout the day to stay hydrated. 

Have a good night!

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