This week, I introduced the students to word sorts. Word sorts are a great way for students to work with words that have similar spelling patterns. Here are some things we have been doing:
Picture and Word Sort:
On the first day with a new sort, I introduce the students to the spelling patterns we will working with and we complete the sort together, discussing patterns we notice about families of words. Then, each student cuts out their own set of cards to work with for the week. They get familiar with the words by sorting individually at their seats.
Buddy Sort:
The next day, students engage in a buddy sort. They work together to sort their cards and discuss patterns they notice. Buddies can also engage in a blind sort, which involves one buddy reading the word secretly and the other buddy telling where the sort card belongs without peeking.
Written Sort:
Each student has a word sort notebook to complete word sort activities in. A written sort is just like it sounds! Students use their word sort cards to write their words into their word study notebook. They organized them by spelling patterns and write them according to which family each words belongs in.
Draw and Label:
This is another activity done in the word sort notebooks. Students draw their picture cards and then write the word underneath it.
Glue Sort:
On the last day of a sort, I have the students glue their word cards into their notebooks. Now their bags are empty and ready for a new sort the following week. For now, we will work as a class on one word sort together to establish the routines of sorting. Eventually, students will be given individual sorts that focus specifically on their own needs as a speller.