Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How To Books

In writer's workshop the past two weeks, we have been working to finish our how-to books. We have been learning about how everyone can be an expert at something. Writers can put what they know into a book to teach others! After choosing a topic from our brainstorm sheet, we starting sketching and planning out our steps. This took a lot of thinking work as we sketched our steps carefully in order and revised them many times. 

The students met with their writing partners several times during the process. Partners read their writing while the other partner acted out steps to make sure they were clear enough! Here's some writing partners in action: 

Once our steps were set, it was time to start working on our books. Last week everyone worked to make their booklets and design a cover page. Some are finishing up this week. Then, we will share our finished books with each other!

Ask your child what they wrote their how-to book about! 

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