Thursday, December 12, 2013


I think Holland has been our favorite country to learn about so far! Mrs. P's family is from Holland so she brought in some wonderful things to show and share with us today. We learned about how children in Holland put wooden shoes out for Santa Clause (although in Holland he is called Sinterklaas), and then when they wake up, the shoes are filled with fruit, cookies, and treats. The kids got to try on some of the wooden shoes today- and quickly realized how tricky they are to walk in! :)

In the afternoon, we made paper wooden shoes and put them on our desks. We were so surprised to find them filled when we got back gym. ;) 

Just a reminder that report cards are coming home tomorrow. Please be sure to look them over and send just the signed envelope back to me on Monday. The letter and report card inside are yours to keep!

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