Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!

Today we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday. In our morning meeting, we figured out that he would have been 239 years old today!

We took our Reader's Workshop time to read and discuss some poems and books about him. As we read, we built on our schema and tracked new information we were learning. After, we completed an All About Johnny Appleseed mini booklet that included facts about him. We attached the mini booklets to these paper Johnny Appleseeds we made!

Here's some pictures of a few other apple activities we've been working on throughout the week:

Labeling the parts of an apple:

Diagram of an Apple (done with our Big Friends from Mrs. Lincoln's 5th grade class):

Sentence Sorting (fact or opinion):

Ask your first grader to share with you what they have learned this week about apples, Johnny Appleseed, and making homemade applesauce!

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