Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Going Buggy in First Grade!

As we continue with our insect unit, we have been using nonfiction books to deepen our understanding about all sorts of insects. Here, we are working on the rug with thinking boards to record our schema about butterflies prior to reading some nonfiction texts.

We recorded some of this schema onto sticky notes to build our class chart:

After reading many books, we recorded our new learning and wrote nonfiction pieces all about butterflies. Today we created paper butterflies with symmetrical wings to attach to our writing.

We have also been adding to our insect study board out in the hallway. Here's how it's coming along!

We also learned about fireflies and created these little guys to "light up" our classroom:

Please keep an eye out for two important notes coming home this week. One is regarding our Writing Celebration which will be taking place June 13th at 9:45 a.m. Parents and family members will be invited! The other is a permission slip for our field trip on June 7th. Thanks!

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