Monday, March 4, 2013

All About Books

Last week, we started working on our own All About books. First, we each made a list of topics we are "experts" on. Then, we chose one topic to write our books about. We reviewed all the different kinds of pages an All About book can have, and then got to work developing our table of contents! This gave us a plan for the kinds of pages we would need to successfully craft our informational book.

Just like with our All About Penguins books, we are learning how to check and add to our pages by using resources. Some students are using books from our classroom library while others are searching for images or answers to questions online (with kid-friendly search engines and my help of course!) It's great to see some students even bringing books from home.

We will keep working on our books for the rest of the week, and will share our books with each other once they are complete!

Just a reminder that book orders are due on Wednesday. You can either order online, which I know some parents already did, or send in the form to me with a check attached. I will be putting in the order Wednesday night. Thanks! :)

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