Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nonfiction Book Clubs

This week during Reader's Workshop, we started our nonfiction book clubs. I put together a bunch of book baskets filled with books about a variety of topics. The students chose topics they were interested learning more about, and together we formed groups based on interests including dinosaurs, butterflies, firefighters, and volcanoes to name a few.

Once the groups were formed, it was time to meet and make a plan for reading! Each group developed a list of questions or areas they wanted to learn more about with regards to their topic. These plans will guide further book club meetings and give students purpose for reading the various books. It is so rewarding to see how excited and engaged the groups are to meet and read together! In the midst of listening in to some great conversations, I was able to snap a few shots of the book clubs hard at work:

I just love watching these clubs in action! :)

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