Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Math Update

We recently began our new unit on measurement. It is important for students to understand why we use the standard 12 inch foot to measure distance. For this, we put our own feet to the test! First, we worked in pairs to trace each other's feet on paper. The students used their cut-out feet to measure objects around the classroom.

The students noticed that many of us got different answers when we measured the same objects. This demonstrated to the students how important it is to use the standard foot when measuring so that we all get the same answer! Here's us cutting out the standard 12 inch foot and remeasuring objects. This time, our answers were more consistent.

The students have been working with rulers over the past few days to measure objects and line segments. We also learned how to draw line segments. Today, we explored using tape measures. This brought some giggles as we measured each other's wrists, arms, hand span and ankles. What a fun afternoon we had!

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